How To Clean Olive Oil From Floor
Today's post, How to Clean Up an Oil Spill, is not about saving the environment. It's about saving your kitchen floor! Yesterday, I sent a glass olive oil cruet crashing to the floor and was left with shards of oil soaked glass and a huge pool of olive oil soaking into the tile grout. I was able to save the day with a simple solution. Let me show you how I did it!
A few months ago, my family gave me just the birthday gift I wanted: An Olive Oil Cruet. (Yep. I had to look that up. I had no idea what it was called! Did you?)
(Image Credit:
I'm pretty easy to please, since they only cost about five dollars. I have wanted one forever, but I just never got around to buying one. I loved my gift. I used it all the time . . . until I broke it!
Last night, clumsy me bumped it with my elbow and knocked it off the counter onto my tiled floor, where--you guessed it--it shattered. Cleaning up broken glass is difficult enough, but cleaning up broken glass covered in olive oil, sitting in a pile of olive oil is almost impossible! I was also worried because some of it landed on the grout. My sister-in-law once told me that her tile grout was ruined by an olive oil spill in her pantry. At least her grout was hidden in the closet. Mine was in the middle of the kitchen floor.
My fantastic husband quickly googled, "How to Clean Up Olive Oil Spill," and I was saved! (Honestly, what did we ever do before Google?)
Here's what to do. (This is so cool!)
- Pick up the large pieces of glass (use a rag so that you don't cut yourself), and throw them in the trash.
- Carefully blot up any oil you can with paper towels. (You can skip this step, but you'll use more corn starch or oatmeal.)
- Sprinkle the oil mess with corn starch or oatmeal and allow it to sit for several minutes.
- Sweep up the corn starch and/or oatmeal with the remaining glass.
- Repeat until all oil is absorbed.
I started with corn starch, but moved on to oatmeal because it was easier to sprinkle across the floor. The cool thing about the oatmeal/corn starch was that it helped me pick up the glass as well. As I swept up the mess, I spread the oatmeal across the kitchen floor to pick up the glass. Maybe it was easier because the oil on the glass stuck to the oatmeal. I'm not sure why it worked, I just know that it did!
There was one spot on the floor (the location of the main puddle) that was left with a film after I swept. Instead of washing the spot with soap and water, I sprinkled on more oatmeal and left it overnight. In the morning, I swept it up, and the floor was completely clean!
Now my floor is as good as new, with no dark oil-soaked areas in the grout!
Thank you Google! (I'd credit a blogger, but my hubby found the answer on a message board, not on a blog.)
Here are some other tips you might like: (Images are linked.)
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About Heidi
Hi! I'm Heidi, the sometimes scatterbrained, but always creative mind behind One Creative Mommy. I'm a retired teacher, wife, and mom of three beautiful teenage girls and one adorable fur baby. In my spare time, I love to share my ideas (mistakes and all) with anyone who will listen.
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How To Clean Olive Oil From Floor
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